Black Forest cake


Mix egg yolks with water and sugar until a very creamy mixture is formed and the sugar crystals are no longer visible.

Mix the flour, starch, baking powder and cocoa and sift onto the egg yolk cream. Beat the egg white until stiff and carefully fold everything in. Immediately pour into a greased, floured springform pan and bake at 200°C for 30 – 35 minutes. Lower the temperature during baking so that the sponge cake does not sink, so that the temperature is only around 150°C at the end of the baking time. Allow to cool.

Drain the sour cherries in a bowl to collect the juice. Cook a pudding with the cherry juice and starch. Put the 16 best cherries to one side. Fold the rest into the cherry juice mixture.

Cut the cake base in half; sprinkle the bottom layer with a little kirsch and cover with the cherry mixture. Allow to cool.

Beat the cream with the cream stiffener and sugar until stiff, spread thinly on the cooled cherry mixture, place the next cake layer on top and press down lightly. Drizzle with kirsch again.

Spread about ½ of the cream on the base and press the next base on top.

Fill about 3 tablespoons of the remaining cream into a piping bag.

Cover all around with the remaining cream, pipe 16 tufts using the piping bag and top with the cherries you set aside.

Sprinkle the surface and edges with grated chocolate.

The cake also looks great in a heart shape!



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