Banana Biscuit Treat Without Baking! In 10 Minutes!


step 1
Make the filling
Mix gelatin with water and let it swell. Beat sugar with eggs, then pour in milk (350 ml) and mix.

Mix the starch and milk (150 ml) until all lumps are broken. Heat the egg and milk mixture, then pour in the starch and milk mixture. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Remove from the stove and add butter to the hot filling and stir until it melts. Then add the gelatin and mix.

Step 2
Lay the cake
Cover the disk with transparent foil and pour a little filling. Then spread the crushed biscuits and a few slices of banana. Pour the filling again, then the biscuits and the bananas…order it like this until all the ingredients are used. Cover with cling film and leave to cool for about 12 hours.



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