Baked San Giuseppe zeppole: the light version to make them fluffy

How to prepare baked San Giuseppe zeppole

Step 1
Collect the butter in pieces in a pan1.
step 2
Pour the water2, add a pinch of salt and heat over medium heat.
step 3
Stir with a wooden ladle until the butter has completely melted and bring to the boil3.
Step 4
Add the flour4, all at once.
Step 5
Continue stirring until the mixture starts to come away from the sides of the pan5.
Step 6
At this point, remove from the heat, let cool and then add the eggs6, one at a time.
Step 7
When finished, you should get a creamy and homogeneous mixture7.
Step 8
Fill the resulting mixture into a piping bag with a star nozzle8, 1.5 cm diameter.
Step 9
Line a baking tray with a micro-perforated mat or baking paper and form the zeppole by making two overlapping circles of choux pastry9, about 10 cm in diameter.
Step 10
Place the zeppole on the lowest rack of the oven10 and cook at 200 °C in fan mode for about 15 minutes; then reduce the temperature to 190 °C and continue cooking for a further 10 minutes. Once the zeppole are ready, leave them to cool in the oven with the door slightly open: you can use the handle of a wooden spoon for this operation.
Step 11
In the meantime, prepare the vanilla sauce: Heat the milk in a heavy-bottomed saucepan11.
Step 12
Add lemon zest12Bring to the boil, then remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.
Step 13
Peel the eggs in a separate pan13.
Step 14
Add the sugar14and stir the mixture quickly with a whisk.
Step 15
Add the flour15.
Step 16
Remove the lemon zest from the milk and slowly pour it over the egg mixture16.
Step 17
Put it back on the stove and let it cook, stirring constantly with a whisk17until you get a cream of the right density.
Step 18
Once ready, remove from heat, allow to cool and then cover the cream with cling film to cool.18.
Step 19
Once the resting time has elapsed, divide the Zeppole into two halves19.
Step 20
Fill the now cold vanilla pudding into a piping bag with a star nozzle and fill the zeppole20.
Step 21
Place the lid on the filling and add a dollop of cream to the surface, then garnish with 1 black cherry in syrup21.
Step 22
Arrange the zeppole on a serving plate22.
Step 23
Bring the baked San Giuseppe Zeppole to the table, sprinkle with icing sugar as desired and enjoy23.
Baked San Giuseppe Zeppole can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1 day . Unfilled Zeppole can be stored in a tin at room temperature for up to 1 week.



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