Apricot Tarte Tatin: the recipe for the famous French dessert in a summer version


Step 1
Prepare the shortcrust pastry: put the sifted flour in a bowl and add the cold, diced butter1.
step 2
Using your fingertips, work the ingredients together quickly until a sandy mixture forms.
step 3
Pour in cold water3 and add a pinch of salt.
Step 4
He still works with his hands4, being careful not to heat the dough too much until a smooth and homogeneous dough is created.
Step 5
Wrap it with a sheet of cling film5 and let it rest in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
Step 6
In the meantime, wash, dry, halve and stone the apricots6.
Step 7
Prepare the caramel sauce: Melt the granulated sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Once it reaches an amber color, remove from the heat, add the butter cut into pieces and stir with a wooden spoon.7.
Step 8
In the end you must get a smooth and homogeneous sauce8.
Step 9
Line a 20 cm diameter baking tray with baking paper and spread the caramel sauce evenly over the base.9.
Step 10
Arrange the apricots on top, cut side up.
Step 11
After the resting time has elapsed, roll out the shortcrust pastry into a very thin sheet using a rolling pin.11.
Step 12
Sprinkle the apricots with a little granulated sugar and cover the fruits with the resulting dough12.
Step 13
Seal the edges well by pinching them with your fingertips13 and prick the surface with the tines of a fork. Then put the cake in the preheated oven at 200 ° C in static mode and let it bake for about 30 minutes, until golden brown.
Step 14
After cooking, remove the Tarte Tatin from the oven, let it cool for a few minutes and then place it upside down on a serving plate while it is still hot. Sprinkle the surface with flaked almonds14 and allow to cool completely.
Step 15
Cut the apricot tarte tatin into slices15, bring to the table and serve.



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