Apricot Delight


This recipe really excites me.  As a kid one of my favourite treats was apricot delight.  I remember my Mum buying bags of this moreish delicious sweet and my sister and I eating the whole bag before it had time to hit the pantry shelf.  If there were any left it would be put in our lunch boxes for school, and my day would be made as I pulled it out for recess.

Good old apricot delight is, literally, such a delight as it usually contains more sugar than apricot, making it o-so-sweet and incredibly addictive.  It’s not the best thing to reach for at 3pm when you need a bit of a pick-me-up.  So, I decided to reinvent the classic and make it a little easier on your blood-sugar levels.  While my recipe has no added sugar it still does contain fructose from the apricots and the teeny splash of maple syrup, but as a small sweet treat at work, or for the school lunch box it’s a great alternative than eating refined sugary snacks.  You’ve got to live a little hey!?


400g whole dried apricots

80g halved dried apricots, roughly chopped

80g almonds raw

60g desiccated coconut

1 tsp coconut oil

1 tsp maple syrup

pinch salt

pinch cinnamon

pinch vanilla powder

extra ½ cup desiccated coconut (to roll in)


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