Apple dumplings: light sweets for tea

Roll out the puff pastry and spread the apple jam on it. Roll up the dough along the long side and then cut the dough into 8 pieces.

Use a chopstick to press the center of each piece.
Place the sweet brioches on the baking tray and brush the dough with the beaten egg. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top.
Cook them in a static oven at 180 °C for 20 minutes.
Cut an apple into very thin slices using a mandolin. Roll the slices into a rose shape.
Place the rose in the cup and pour in the tea. Serve with sweet apple brioches.
If you want, you can serve the slices rolled up as desired. Add a teaspoon of rose separately and prepare an apple herbal tea.
Store leftover packets under a glass cover and remember to use them within 3-4 days of preparation.



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