A cake for those who love cheese and cappuccino. Perfect for any occasion or even no occasion. It is delicious!

Blend the cookies, melt the butter and mix together. Place the cookies with butter in a baking tin lined with baking paper. My cake tin was 26 cm in diameter. Knead the cookies with butter more firmly with a spoon to obtain a relatively smooth surface.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place a vessel with hot water at the very bottom of the oven.

Mix the cream, coffee, sugar and eggs using a mixer until fluffy. Pour in the flour. Add the cheese in spoonfuls. After adding the cheese, mix briefly until the ingredients are combined. Pour the prepared mixture onto the cake base. Lower the form with the dough from a height of about 5 cm, you can do this three times. This will remove the air from the cheese.

Put the cake in the oven on the middle level, top-bottom heater. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 120 degrees and bake for 1 hour and 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake in it with the door closed for about 30 minutes or longer. Open the oven door and leave the cheesecake inside to cool completely.

Make the icing from cream and white chocolate. Heat the cream and add the broken chocolate. Stir until the chocolate melts. Set aside to cool and pour the cold glaze over the cheesecake. Spread evenly with a spatula. Place the cake in the fridge until it hardens completely.



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