Meringue cake with coffee cream

Meringue cake with coffee cream is a very sweet dessert for meringue fans. The cream is light, delicate and not too sweet thanks to the addition of coffee. The meringue is very sweet, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The flavors fit and balance each other perfectly. A fantastic combination that will work for various occasions.

Contrary to appearances, meringue countertops are very simple to make. The egg whites should be at room temperature, well beaten until stiff. Potato flour and lemon juice will stabilize it and keep its shape during baking. Please remember that the meringue expands during baking and it is best not to fill it up to the outlined line. Leave a little space from the edges. The meringue should not be flattened very much. If you want them to be high and create an interesting effect, turn the edges up and do not press the center so as not to create a recess in it. The meringue will crack slightly during baking and this is a normal effect and you should not worry about it. It also proves that the top is well dried.

Make the coffee cream just before putting the meringue on the tops. Store the meringue cake in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days.

I won’t deny that the meringue cake with coffee cream was perfect for my taste. Sweet taste, even very sweet, and on the other hand, strong taste of coffee cream. A delicious cake and easy to make. You don’t have to work too hard with it, and the effect is wonderful.

HERE you will find my other recipes for meringues and meringue cakes.

meringue cake




6 egg whites
300 g of sugar
1 teaspoon of potato flour
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
2 tablespoons of coconut flakes


400 ml whipping cream 30%
250 g of mascarpone cheese
3 tablespoons of powdered sugar
3 teaspoons of instant coffee
The egg whites should be at room temperature. Line two baking trays with baking paper. Using a plate with a diameter of 22 cm, outline two circles.

Beat the egg whites until stiff, add sugar gradually at the end. Mix until the mixture is thick and shiny. While mixing, add the sifted flour and lemon juice. Fill two circles with the mass (leave about 1-2 cm from the line), slightly aligning the edges. Sprinkle the tops of two tops with coconut flakes. Place in the oven

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