Soft Croissant Donuts: You Won’t Be Able to Stop at Just One!

Ah, the irresistible charm of the donut! Who could resist this little sweet, soft and fluffy marvel that literally melts in your mouth? From toddler to grandparent, the donut is a true intergenerational delight that finds its

place on every table, at every time of the day. But today, we are going to present you with a slightly different variation of this great classic: the croissant-shaped donut. This little touch that changes everything, both

aesthetically and taste-wise. Imagine for a moment… the legendary crunchiness of the croissant combined with the inimitable softness of the donut, a gourmet combination that guarantees you an exceptional sensory journey.

Making homemade donuts also means rediscovering the pleasure of traditional baking, smelling the sweet aroma of rising yeast, admiring the dough doubling in volume and, above all, letting yourself be invaded by the irresistible aroma of the donut fresh from the fryer. If the idea of ​​making your own donuts may seem

intimidating, fear not! This recipe, which we have specially concocted for you, is within everyone’s reach. It combines simplicity and efficiency for an absolutely stunning result.

So, without further ado, get out your aprons and dive into the heart of this culinary adventure that promises to delight your taste buds and impress your guests. Ready for a gourmet getaway? Follow the guide!

Ingredients :

1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
Zest of an orange
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of sugar

1 tablespoon vegetable oil
8 g fresh yeast
7 g baking powder
150 ml of lukewarm water

100 g of fine semolina
250 g flour
Oil for frying
Sugar for sprinkling

Preparation :

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