Milk Eggs in 5 Minutes: the easy recipe

When time is of the essence and the desire to enjoy a homemade dessert is felt, it is essential to have on hand simple, quick, but above all delicious recipes. This is where eggs in milk come into play, a classic of traditional French cuisine, known for its sweetness and simplicity. This preparation, which requires only a few basic

ingredients, is a true celebration of simplicity and taste. The creamy mixture of milk, eggs and vanilla creates a harmony of flavors that recalls the desserts of childhood.

This recipe for 5-minute eggs in milk is specially designed for those looking for both ease and authenticity. With minimal preparation time and perfectly controlled cooking, it becomes the ideal choice for a gourmet

break or a light end to a meal. The secret of its success lies in the right balance between the ingredients: whole milk for its richness, eggs for their texture, and vanilla sugar for a sweet and fragrant aromatic note.

The preparation process, although extremely simple, requires special attention to ensure a firm and creamy texture. The milk, heated with the sugars and vanilla, must be poured slowly over the beaten eggs, thus

ensuring a smooth and homogeneous binding. This crucial step prevents the eggs from coagulation and ensures the formation of a smooth and creamy cream. The ramekins, covered with caramel, add a gourmet touch and a pleasant contrast in the mouth.

Finally, the multi-stage cooking is what gives these milk eggs their unique character. Starting in a cold oven allows the ingredients to gradually adapt to the heat, thus avoiding thermal shocks that could affect the

texture of the dessert. The gradual increase in temperature ensures even cooking, giving birth to a delicate dessert, golden brown as desired, and overflowing with flavors. This recipe is an invitation to rediscover the pleasure of simple things, a sweet break in the whirlwind of everyday life.

Difficulty Level: Easy
Preparation Time : 5 min
Cooking Time : 35 min
Total Time : 40 min
Servings : 6 people

Ingredients :

500 ml of whole milk
40 g caster sugar
40 g of cane sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs
Caramel (quantity needed)

Preparation :

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