Millionaire’s Shortbread (Homemade Twix)

Millionaire’s Shortbread, also known as Homemade Twix, is a Scottish treat that has captured the hearts of gourmands around the world. Combining the richness of a buttery biscuit, the sweetness of a creamy caramel and the joy of a milk chocolate topping, this delicacy is a true delight. More than just a biscuit, it’s a taste

experience, a pleasure to be enjoyed at any time of day. These shortbreads are the epitome of indulgence, a perfect blend of textures and flavours that make them an irresistible choice for young and old alike.

Making these shortbreads requires patience and a love of baking. The first step is making a shortbread, a traditional Scottish biscuit known for its crispy yet crumbly texture. This biscuit, simple in its composition, is

the perfect base to support the delicious layers of caramel and chocolate. Preparing the caramel is an art in itself, requiring constant attention to achieve the ideal creamy texture and golden color.

The chocolate glaze, the final layer of this exquisite triad, provides a smooth, glossy finish, sealing in the flavors underneath. The choice of milk chocolate adds a welcome sweetness that perfectly complements the crispy biscuit and melting caramel. This Millionaire’s Shortbread is a demonstration of how simple ingredients, when put together well, can create a dessert of surprising sophistication.

In short, the recipe for Millionaire’s Shortbread is a true culinary journey, a journey through textures and flavors that complement each other wonderfully. Its creation, although requiring a little time and attention, is

a rewarding adventure that results in creations that are as beautiful as they are delicious. Whether for a snack, a dessert or a treat at any time, these shortbreads are the promise of a moment of pure pleasure. So follow me through the steps of this recipe to make these wonderful Millionaire’s Shortbreads yourself.

Preparation Time: 1 hour
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Cooling Time: 4 hours 30 minutes
Servings: 16 servings

Ingredients :

For the shortbread biscuit:

150 grams of T45 flour
100 grams of unsalted butter
50 grams of powdered sugar
2 pinches of fleur de sel
2/3 teaspoon baking powder
For the caramel:

1 can of sweetened condensed milk (397 grams)
100 grams of powdered sugar
1 nice pinch of fleur de sel
100 grams of unsalted butter
15 grams of honey
For the chocolate topping:

200 grams of dessert milk chocolate (Côte d’Or, Milka, etc.)
15 grams of unsalted butter (or semi-salted)

Preparation :

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