Chocolate and coconut frosted cake: the recipe for a dessert with a soft and creamy center


For the dough
powdered sugar
170 gr
00 flour
170 gr
Seed oil
100 ml
Whole milk
100 ml
Unsweetened cocoa powder
25 gr
Baking powder for cakes
16 gr
for the coconut cream
Whole milk
250 ml
powdered sugar
50 gr
Coconut flakes
30 gr
Strength says more
20 gr
Vanilla extract
1 teaspoon
in conclusion
Coconut flakes
You need them too
00 flour
The cake frosted with chocolate and coconut is a clever recipe that allows you to obtain a dessert with a soft and delicious core in a few simple steps, thanks to the double baking of the dough in the oven.
It is a dessert without butter, perfect as a snack for adults and children, consisting of two slices of soft cocoa sponge cake and a delicate and aromatic coconut cream filling.
For the base, simply beat the eggs with the sugar with an electric whisk, then add the whole milk, the seed oil and the flour sifted with the bitter cocoa and the baking powder to the beaten mixture, then add half the flour.
The dough is prepared in a 24 cm diameter cake tin, already buttered and floured. Once cooked in the oven, spread the coconut cream evenly on the surface of the cake, pour the remaining cocoa mixture on top and bake everything again for about half an hour: the result is a real, fragrant and melting delight, sprinkled with coconut flakes and then served at the end of the meal or for a birthday party .
In our version, we made the cream by simmering the vanilla-flavored whole milk with cornstarch and granulated sugar on the heat until it thickened, then incorporating the coconut flakes from the stove.
If you want a more intense flavor, suitable even for lactose intolerant guests, you can use coconut milk instead of cow’s milk for both the filling and the sponge cake, or enrich the cream with white chocolate chips or dark chocolate.
Instead of the filling we propose, you can opt for a classic pastry with coffee or orange, or a ricotta cream or a hazelnut spread.
Find out how to prepare the chocolate and coconut frosted cake by following the step-by-step instructions and advice. If you liked this recipe, also try the coconut and chocolate cookies and the truffle muffins.

How to Make Chocolate Coconut Pour Cake

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