Fluffy and Savory Muffins – Easy, Quick, Satisfying Recipe – Egg, Bacon and Green Onion Muffins

Recipe with pictures, step by step – Fluffy and tasty muffins with eggs, bacon and green onions – A breakfast treat – To prepare this recipe you need:

Ingredients needed for the egg mixture:

6 eggs
1/4 cup grated parmesan
1/4 cup cooking cream
A pinch of salt
Freshly ground pepper
Ingredients needed for the filling:
3-4 slices bacon (fried and chopped)
2 green onions (chopped)
Grated cheddar cheese
Unsalted butter (for greasing the pan)

Fluffy and Savory Muffins - Easy, Quick, Satisfying Recipe - Egg, Bacon and Green Onion Muffins
Method of preparation:

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