4 Lemon Water Benefits That Are Actually Backed By Science

To add even more variety and nutrients to your lemony sipping, you can always incorporate other ingredients as well. Optional add-ins include fresh ginger or turmeric for anti-inflammatory benefits—or try herbs like fresh mint or basil to step up the flavor. If you’re looking for an electrolyte upgrade, you can even make lemon water with salt by adding ¼ teaspoon salt and mixing well.

Lemon water myths

Some of the claims about lemon water are more credible than others. It’s certainly a hydrating drink, and there’s evidence that it may offer benefits like improved digestion and a stronger immune system. But, contrary to what you might read online, lemon water won’t detoxify your organs or burn belly fat (sorry!). As with any food, take any dramatic claims you see on social media with a grain of salt.

Side effects

Some people could experience some undesirable side effects from drinking the citrusy water. Heartburn and dental erosion are two of the most common outcomes of consuming too much citric acid from lemons. If you already eat and drink lots of other foods with high acidity, lemon water could aggravate these health issues.



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