10 Top Tips for Baking Your Best Banana Bread Yet

Mix until well combined
To avoid those pockets of flour, many home cooks are tempted to pressure cook banana bread. But seriously, this is not a good idea. The more you mix your dough, the more gluten (a protein found in flour) it creates . This is great when you’re baking a regular loaf, but with banana bread, it can result in a dense, rubbery loaf.
Add the eggs one at a time
When adding eggs to the wet ingredients, make sure to whisk thoroughly after each addition. You need to do this so that the egg is evenly distributed throughout the batter . This only applies if more than one egg is added. If you don’t want to use eggs in your recipe, you can also try applesauce!
Add just enough flour
If you’re baking banana bread and your dough looks too wet, don’t be tempted to add more flour than the recipe calls for. Adding more flour can result in a dry, crumbly banana bread . As most home cooks know, the best way to bake is to stick to the recipe. Especially when it comes to the flour!
Grease your baking pan
We all know the feeling: you just wait an hour for the bread to finish baking and then it falls apart into pieces when you take it out of the baking pan. To avoid this mishap, make sure you grease your baking tray properly. Use butter, oil or even lard . After greasing, sprinkle a layer of flour over the pan and your banana bread will be quick and easy!
Be patient
We get it. When the smell of banana bread fills the air, you just want to take it out of the oven and dig in. But banana bread takes time. It’s usually baked for about an hour. And while we love a slightly unbaked, gooey center in brownies, it’s definitely a no-no in banana bread . Set your timer and be patient!
Use the right temperature
Don’t be tempted to turn the oven up high and think you can get away with a shorter baking time. This will only make the outside of the bread very dark while the inside is still undercooked. Stick to the time specified in the recipe – usually around 350°F/180°C.
Remember to let your banana bread rest before slicing it. This will help the sugar in the bread to firm up and make it easier to slice.



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